This year, National Apprenticeship Week is focusing on how apprenticeships provide ‘Skills for Life’, highlighting the way they provide a strong foundation upon which a successful career can be built and help businesses build a talented workforce.

We spoke to Lauren Pullin – Corporate Analytics Manager about the UCQ Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship (CDMA) that she is undertaking, which combines a BA (Hons) Professional Management degree with the CMI Level 5 Diploma in Management and Leadership.
How has your apprenticeship benefitted you?
I’ve definitely grown in confidence. I feel like I am constantly developing my knowledge and understanding in different areas which I may not have been exposed to it I wasn’t doing the apprenticeship. Since everything relates to the business and my role, I’m able to see how it is all connected and the power that lies within effective communication and team work. It sounds simple in principle but getting it right is actually incredibly complex.
What skills and knowledge have you developed through the apprenticeship?
I’ve learnt so much; each module has a different focus, so I’ve gained a considerable amount of knowledge from it already and I’m only halfway through. I’ve developed my understanding of different departments within the business, different ways to present information and different ways to communicate with my colleagues.
How will it help develop your career?
Who knows! But I think that’s the point. It will help me to develop my career in any and every way possible because I will always be looking for ways to apply my learning. Not only that, but I can share my knowledge with those around me to help them progress too.
Would you recommend an apprenticeship to other people?
Absolutely. If you’re the kind of person who enjoys learning, seeing things from different perspectives and challenging yourself in order to drive change, then you should definitely go for it.
What has been the most interesting part so far?
Research and findings. We all have ideas, but learning how to effectively research without bias allows you to look at different ideas in a whole new light. If something really works elsewhere and its success is overwhelmingly positive, could I apply it within my team or business and achieve the same results? It’s incredibly interesting to see what’s happening outside of your organisation and sector that could be useful.
Why did you choose to complete an apprenticeship?
It was an opportunity for personal development that I couldn’t pass up. The apprenticeship has been designed to develop better manager and leaders and I feel that I owe it to my team and myself to be the best leader and colleague I can be, as this benefits everyone. Plus, I enjoy learning and the apprenticeship has given me the opportunity to develop alongside my career. It’s the best of both worlds.
Our apprentices play a vital role in the business, with the CDMA helping to nurture our existing talent and develop those individuals into leaders of the future. Launching the management degree programme demonstrates our commitment to our people and highlights our determination to achieve excellence.