Contact us
For more information about Pall-Ex, our shareholder membership, services or to obtain a quote please contact us and we'll happily answer your questions.
Contact Details
Registered address:
Pall-Ex (UK) Ltd, Pall-Ex House, Victoria Road, Ellistown, Leicester LE67 1FH
Company number:
3155761 (England and Wales)
01530 23 9000 / 0808 144 2808
Main Entrance: ///riverbed.mild.drops
Gatehouse : ///deflect.relished.drama
Please note: As per our Privacy Policy all information within the above form will only be sent to Pall-Ex and the relevant depot within the Pall-Ex membership. Your details will not be used, stored or circulated for marketing purposes.
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For driver vacancies and enquiries please fill out the form on www.pallexdrivers.co.uk our dedicated driver recruitment website.